A few weeks ago I had the honor of being a guest on a podcast! This is a first for me as the closest to speaking publicly have been at small, 20’sh tech meetups, not the same. I tell you what these guys are really good at their job, they did a ton of research, had great questions (many of which I had to refresh myself). When the infrastructure rocket took off I will admit I can’t say I recall everything I said. I can only hope that those that have never heard about things like DMARC, DKIM, SPF will take some time to check things out and those that know more than I about these topics will not cringe too hard or launch a DDoS on my little blog!
You can listen to the podcast here, be sure to subscribe and listen to all their other content too and If you think you have something to offer, let them know! The show is all about breaking down the silos and while none of us can know it all, I can guarantee you I learn something new everyday and THAT is the reason I love what I do.