Of all the mobile cash payments, Zelle is unfortunately the one the ‘banks’ have decided to integrate with, this however has cause me a few headaches.
- Can’t use my Google-Voice number, which has caused delays receiving Cash
- QR Code generation (at least at my bank) doesn’t have a save or export option!?
Well bullet #2 finally solved, by some low-tech workaround (took a picture of my phone with my computer, scanned the picture with my phone and got the URL, then some “critical thinking” (recognized the string is base64 encoded, decoded and bingo)
So basically there is this url:
and the data is this json payload that is base64 encoded
{"name":"Jacob","token":"[email protected]"}
which you can then either use a website (https://www.base64decode.org/) or just base64 on a linux terminal to get this
$echo '{"name":"Jacob","token":"[email protected]"}' | base64
Append that to your link above
And use google Charts API to generate the QR code