As of this week I’m officially working as a Sr. Systems Engineer in DevOps! What a blast, I get to work with some of the most intelligent people with a vast range of experience and knowledge. I’ve spent a ton of time already using Git to actually commit and push changes (how they do configuration management) which I find ingenious for change tracking.
Something that I was annoyed with is what I’m actually here to share. Since I run Windows on my system, some of my favorite coding tools are missing, like nano. (bash all you want…doh!)
Anyway, Here’s the common list of .profile aliases, with a special one just for sublime text, since I prefer to type as much as possible, when in bash I’ve aliased nano to open the file in sublime.
This will append the default install location for sublime.
setx path "%path%;C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 2" cat ~/.profile alias gst='git status' alias gc='git commit' alias gco='git checkout' alias gl='git pull' alias gpom="git pull origin master" alias gp='git push' alias gb='git branch' alias gba='git branch -a' alias del='git branch -d' alias nano='sublime_text.exe'
I installed atom, and the git-clone and git-plus packages, WOW! I would highly recommend this for everyone!
That’s it, not too bad, hopefully I’ll establish some more useful information as I continue in this role.